Ada je benda nak kena sibuk-sibuk,adaaaa je benda nak tau,nak kena amik tau..hmmpphh..penat!
Dah macam busybee dah!!
ehhhhhh...salah topic eh?
Busy buat keje,bukan busy body menyebok hal orang ni..oopss! ;P
Nampaknya MissAshkeen dah makin terer ni buat teknik marketing ayat power dan panas di blog ni cewah!
Sorry lah kak limah cik peah,nanti nanti lah eh kita gosip2 ( ade ke hahahah), kali ni bukan citer panas hal body org ye :P
Alhamdulillah, lately ni MissAshkeen terlampau sibuk sangat sampai x terupdate blog ni,jumpe org,kje,meeting,melepak ( tu wajib - kumpul ideas n ilmu sebenarnya *kofkof* ) dll..
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muka kepenatan hari ni , maintain comel tu mcm real aje ;) |
But Id like to thank everyone for reading my Beauty Tips on the Tomato Scrub..u can try it if u want..xde paksaan..of course ada banyak lagi tips n produk kecantikan etc yang MissAshkeen akan share kat blog ni utk kita sama-sama benefit ( xsabar!) so tunggu eh?:)
Selepas blog ni dipublish,MissAshkeen dapat ber-brainstorm dengan friends and professional bloggers on my content..tq so much mmg MissAshkeen perlukan sangat feedback nih.
But here lemme declare kat sini yang this is a personal blog of mine..since i love to do everythg (life is just too beautiful for me Alhamdulillah,im sure urs too! ) so the concept of writing is err..memang rojak..the way i talk,thts the way ill have it written down here..
Secondly, people asked me y is it that im using Bahasa Malaysia in this blog for the real stuff?
Y Not?:)
ohh x leh eh?:P
xdelah,blog ni ditulis dengan niat nak share sesama kita..xtarget pun nak org Mexican or a Hawaian to read my blog ( kalau ada oh im very humbled! ) share dengan org kita Asia Malaysia,or anywhere or anyone yang boleh bertutur atau menulis Bahasa Malaysia dengan baik..n dont be suprised yang other people n races even in Japan n Russia are learning our language too!
Alah org lain stick je dengan bahasa diorg xde masalah pun kan..ada Google Translate lagi so no problem lah..
So yeah,again,im sorry if i offended u guys in any way possible..but ill try to write n share more stuff that i can here..more often..lebih kerap..yeah :)
ok.sambung buat kerja.
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