so far,all i have ever done from the very first start is designing this blog and adding important features to it..
malas..xde idea..bz kot? :(
mcm2 alasan boleh bagi lah kan,
penting samada nak xnk aje sbnarnye..bg lah doa ape pun, try mcm mana cara nak motivate kan diri pun,kalau self will tu lemah mmg xyh lah ckp pe-pe pun :P
but bila kin survey2 n google kat web,this is what they call it writer's block..bila dah blur atau xde idea
dari wikipedia :
Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work..
refer situlah kalau nak tau lebih info ok?:)
idea dah banyak n i did some research too,tp bila hal blogging nih,yeah..mungkin kin suka sgt prepare bnda basic terlebih2 supaya x risau nanti,a perfectionist? maybe..but i think i am when it comes to work..even nak check link n enhancing the features pun satu benda yg kin kena faham betul2..
n how about creating beautiful post/stories for ur readers? would u simply type things up ( lantaklah janji ada post ) or would u draft it carefully on paper,then transfer it all kat blog online,or terus amik masa berkurun on pc drafting n editing n perfecting ur work?
tu pun salah satu masalah kin gak..since i dont spend much time on the internet ( easily distracted nak godek benda lain ) n slalu g jumpe org for meetings n such,id usually have one notebook with me dgn reference book/novel/important biz stuff with me so that i wouldnt waste my time mndengar atau membebel benda2 yang xpenting ( kekadang lepak sesaje je,smpai org kata poyo dok pegang buku,sorry lahhhh )..
funny thg is,bila tgh melepak lah dtg mcm2 idea n masa tu gak lah better write things down kan,infact better ideas dtg bila tgh melepak dari duduk kat rumah sorang2..masalah ah umah tu mmg ada hantu pemalas rasanya hahaha :P
tp bila nak transfer balik kat blog,rasa x best je..rasa mcm terover,terserious,terboring..semua lah..last2 xjadi nak post..hmmm..
so now today kin try tulis je terus,kekadang kita lg comfortable menulis bila xberfikir panjang kan,just do it..asal ada post,pastu kalau rasa terlebih terkurang tu boleh je terus edit kan pastu?:P
and thts y sampai skrg x berani lg nak publishkan blog nih,my content x best lagi,asyik mengeluh je hahahha
tapi dah byk kerja buat,perhaps ada benda lah yg boleh crite skit2 kat sini..
( inilah function laptop,amik gmbar hahaha..nak potong rambut lah!! )
ok ok dah,
doa je lah kin menjadi buat keje kat sini..tq lah sbb baca walaupun merapu hahahahahha
p/s : baru nak tmbah tp x jadi..nanti lahhhhhhhh :P