Saturday, 28 December 2013

TVC : Vaseline Instant Fair

Oh,dont you just love beauty creams?! "excited"

Part of the fun bila buat iklan adalah bila kita dpt try product baru sebelum keluar di pasaran. And this time MIssAshkeen dapat peluang utuk buat 3 min slot (main cast) utk Vaseline Instant Fair,Alhamdulillah!

Selalu guna Vaseline dari sekolah ( yearsss back ) sampai skrg utk chapped lips and body creams,so bila dapat peluang untuk buat iklan guna produk ni memang happy sgt,atleast i knw tht it really2 works! :)
Vaseline Instant Fair

Again this is not a review of this product,yes i got paid but only for the Tv Commercial,not for writing ths post,but still im happy to write something nice here sbb ths cream does wonders on me!:)

So back to the story,i was asked by The Director ( En Bob )himself to be in this Tvc,Alhmdulillah n tq so much En MatJepp n Studio Bapak Aku :)

Ada beberapa iklan MissAshkeen dah buat dgn Studio Bapak Aku nih,antaranya Yes 4g,Bonux dan Courts Mammoth.So far Alhmdulillah sgt,antara production Melayu exclusively yang berjaya dan menguntungkan semua pihak,bangga:)

Shoot was supposed to b on the 4th tp di-carried forward ke 12th.. so script dpt lmbt n sadly it's superLoooong n susah!

Best thg is the shoot started a bit later dr usual call time,selalunya other production hse wld require call time at 6am (kdg2 x tdo but everytime shoot i must get atleast an hour rest) but ths time starts around 9am kot,kat Gombak n on Sunday! So xde jam lh drivibg dari Bangi,weehoo!

Pastu lagi best sbb shoot hari tu location kat rumah je,they hv already set up scenes for kedai n such kat rumah n the garden..rumah artis Malaysia,sorry xbrani nk mention nama sbb privacy matters,but yeah rumah artis ni mmg awesome n modern n cantik sgt!!!

Lagi lagi best is,for ths particular product they gonna need 2 talents,satu konon 'young working' female lh (read -me:young :p ) and satu housewife..

Kak Sharifah Shahirah yg jd the housewife,yeayy!!:) so we both r Sharifah :) i must say tht i adore her so much as kak Shira mmg cantik sgt n very talented n funny yet stays humble at all times!

My shoot started off first,n it took quite some time sebab im hvg problems memorizing the scripts yg dpt last min,lagi pulak mmg xpndai pun sbb emcee n brlakon ni lain,dah lah pnjang sgt tp ok lh,sorry mmg stiff sikit,hv to learn more on expressing my speech masa acting nmpknye..

Oh,my makeup this time the in-hse Makeup Artiste used Ronasutra Mineral Makeup,i gotta tell u that it feels soooooo good on my skin!!:)

Natural kan my Mua makeup kan :)
My shoot ended by 7pm and then diorg sambung lg dgn scene kak Shira..i had wonderful times with all the fun crews,and Encik Bob as the director was really patient n funny,helping n guiding me to perform better..all the other talents that came pun sume comel2 sweet2 je,adik2 yg cute n rajin buat part time job :)

TVC Malaysia Vaseline Instant Fair
nasib baik kak shira dtg petang,kalau x memang penat lah menunggu MissAshkeen :P
crews yg sporting dan comelllll :)
Frankly speaking,MissAshkeen sedar yg kulit ni x terjaga sgt..mostly kesah pasal kulit muka je,nak putih nk cantik pikir bahagian muka je..sedar tak sedar kulit di bahagian badan,terutamanya di lengan semakin gelap.

Beza amat bila ambil gambar,kulit muka yg memang dijaga ditambah dengan makeup bg lagi putih dan berseri, versus dgn lengan yang tak dijaga dan legam :p

Vaseline Instant Fair yang MissAshkeen cuba memang ada beri kesan yg agak ketara bila disapukan kat sebelah lengan,sesuai dengan ayat Instant Fair..

Tapi jangan lh ingat bila ada ayat Instant Fair ni akan terus melepak dan stay putih mcm tu je,kalau mcm tu skali pakai dh cukup lah kn?:p

Scene kedai yg di-setup at home,senang keja..tempted tak tgk cream byk2?
Vaseline Instant Fair ni menjadikan kulit kita kecerahan yg semulajadi (healthy white) dan cepat (Instant Fairness) sebab ada cream ni ada micro reflectors yg pantulkan/halang cahaya matahari masuk ke dalam kulit..

Pemakaian yang kerap boleh mencerahkan kulit dengan sihat sehingga 4x lebih cerah..Jadi sebab tu lah kena pakai selalu,disarankan 2 kali sehari, memang tak kan kecewa sebab memang nampak hasil,yeay!

Logiknya,badan kita pun perlu dijaga dan kelihatan sihat fizikal dan di dalam,jaga kulit kat luar dr cahaya matahari memang penting utk elakkan kanser kulit kan,dan kebanyakan cream badan yang dijual hanya mnjaga kelembapan kulit dan sun protection.

Vaseline Instant Fair kali ni mnjanjikan kelainan yang lebih menarik dengan membantu kulit kita mnjadi lebih cerah dengan semulajadi.

Senang lah kerja kin lps ni tak payah nak risau tangan dan kaki beza sgt gelap ( xde lah gelap,tp beza lah dengan kulit muka) ,kadang- kadang rasa mcm nak sapu foundation je supaya nmpk cerah sikit,tp obviously nmpk tipu lah kn sebab kulit lengan tak sama dengan kulit muka,n of course takkan beri kesan yang kekal dan lagi elok lh kan.

Ni bukan review berbayar eh,tp pengalaman MissAshkeen lps pakai,dpt 2 bottle free dari Production,Alhmdulillah so memang seronok lah dok pakai..satu letak kat bilik,satu lagi dlm kereta..

Bila dah xsempat nak pakai kat rumah,nasib baik ada spare lg dlm kereta..bosan2 drive tgh jam ape lagi mula lah start sapu kat kaki dan lengan..

Memang suka sgt sebab kereta pun dah wangi hahaha,n Miss Ashkeen dah xpayah pakai perfume sgt sebab lotion cream ni memang harum dan wangi mcm candy (ayat mnjual,hahaha).

Oh ohhh.selalunya MissAshkeen akan sapu cream ni sambil mengurut utk lancarkan darah atau urat ( atau selulit,aiyo) kat badan,memang cream ni best sebab memang creamy dan tak melekit lepas pakai,nmpk putih sikit dari kaler asal badan yang agak ketara! :)

So memang Vaseline Instant Fair ni terbukti berkesan sesuai dengan penjenamaan Vaseline yang menitikberatkan akan kecantikan dan kesihatan kulit dari dulu lagi!

As a person tht really cared for her skin,i want to tell u an honest review so tht u guys boleh jadi consumer yang bijak.

So jgn salahanggap bila ayat Instant tu ditulis dianggap menipu sebab tak terus jadi putih kekal,tapi "instant" sebab kulit nmpk berseri sikit,lebih cerah dari warna asal bila disapu,dan Insy Allah banyak2 sapu cerah dan sihat lah kulit kita nanti:)

Pastu,Instant Fair meaning lebih berSERI secepat mungkin,jadi yg kulit xberapa cerah tu jgn lh nk mngharap nk terus putih melepak,xke pelik kalau satu bhgian putih n yg lain gelap?kulit hitam manis tentunya lagi sweet n lagi susah nk nmpk berusia ok!:)

Slot iklan Vaseline yang MissAshkeen buat adalah selama 3 minit utk Program Nona di Tv3,klakarnya sendiri pun xdpt nak tgk tp nanti bila ada video nanti MissAshkeen akan share di sini k.

I bet u all pun ramai xtgk pun,jarang tgk tv kita semua ni skrg :) so it's ok if u guys happen to read it here,tq n plz do try out the cream ya!

Try out the all new Vaseline Instant Fair and see the result on yourself,you'll love it :)

Kisses n rainbows

Year End!!!

Aaaaaand I'm back!!!

New layout,pink in general with girlish theme n such..rasanya ni kali ke 4 i changed my blogspot theme..

Springcleaning,id say..a libra (yes,me) couldnt work in harmony bila tmpat dia messy n scattered..same goes to this blog..hilang mood nak menulis bila rasa xbest n sepah..

my first ever  name design dulu..those captions dah x guna dah!
Last logged in by July,tht was 6mths back..lama n such as whts new lah?:)
then jadi mcm ni pulak,guna jap dulu then i got bored,tukar lagi!
Apparently nak year end,so my resolutions for ths year considered yup..accomplished gak..but still byk lg kna amend n usaha lg bg better..wait,belum hujung tahun lagi so we'll talk bout this later later!!

So basically uve seen my new theme here on ths blogspot,wht do u think?:) main tibai je design again looking for the best color to describe lah jugak,my favs are purple,pink n red but then pyrple nmpk mcm gloomy not fresh n red is too..garang?mcm sakit mata this time i chose pink again,simple,n u cn say it's girlish n sweet..tq!

N yes i have a box describing me n my favs n such right next to this post on the right ud knw exactly whts exactly gonna be the stuff tht id be so keen to talk about here!

Oh btw,plz dont ask me hw dd i design n setup ths blog,ni kje amateur nih,malu nk explain mcmmana,main tibai blajar sikit2 by googling n reading stuff pastu letak creativity sikit2..ok lh kot..otak dh beku nk blajar IT stuff nih,jealous tgk those youngsters yg pandai design blog etc!

thought my basic design nak mcm ni tp tetibe ada org ckp mcm mattress,cis!
Back to my story,I hope by year end this blogspot boleh lh dipublish sbb dah buat few materials (lama kan) the fear is still there..visiolibriphobia (urban dictionary)means fear of the social media,in my case posting smthg on my thoughts for u all here on ths kna isi dulu byk bnda,ive done so many stuffs n events etc nk upload kat FB pun bila sempat je..hmmm

gimme ideas peacok theme yg guna dulu,tp rasa gloomy..

better version used,still guna peacock theme tp dah tukar dah,rasa tiap 6 bulan memang akan jadi terlebih rajin design blk wallpaper blogspot ni!

Frankly speaking,yeah..even facebook pun dah xtau apa nk tulis,leh tulis bnda bila ada mood je,n when i really dont care if ppl would judge,scared?;) yeah i am..hahaha

Ppl r being negative nowadays..i dunno..maybe sbb dh stress mcm2 lg bill naik lah toll naik lah semua barang get deeply affected when i read all these negative posts on fb,smpai im left speechless xtau nk tulis apa..judgemental,keyboard warriors lah n mcm2 lg u name it.. :( 'scary'

But life goes on kan,moving to a new place made me realized tht my lifestyle has changed,masih mcm dracula cant sleep at night but then my mentality dah makin exposed,n makin rasa nk explore stuff although being here is is diff..rasa limited skit unlike kl but hehey it's ok..byk pulak free time since nak turun kl jauh so ada many thgs ive learned on my own,for good!:)

N yes,rasanya sbb factor duit kot,everybody tht i knw (almost everyone i must say) in my Fb has started a page promoting their biz,n ths scares me quite a lot i must say..imagine kita yg part timer ni pun menggagau nak create n survive a living,n yet those who works fulltime leh ada masa pulak to have a part time job (mostly on small businesses)..betul2 respect with u guys yg buat kerja 2 dlm 1 ni..rezeki Allah byk n bila usaha In Sha Allah dtg kan?:)

N again my main concern is not about money sgt,yes everybody needs money tipu lah if u dont,but satisfaction tu penting gak have worked as wht my degree has granted me to b,but i dont hv the passion on tht so agak syg..mcm lg susah sbb i cant rely on my degree to make BIG money but Alhamdulillah so far sbb rezeki meniaga ni rasanya cukuplah..xlah mewah but ok lh..m not tht type yg lavish on stuff ok lah..syukur..wht else cn i say?

But if i hv my own kids someday,id def try not to be so serious on them,determining their life to be this or tht,id tolerate them nicely n yes they can pursue their dream,but be sure that it's halal n make sure ull make money out of it n ure happy n ure sure whtever ure doing would go loooong term..susah nk paksa anak lg2 zaman skrg if i become a mother (umi) doa mak ni slalu yg terbaik so In Sha Allah menjadi lah :)

So glad tht both my parents r still supportive of whtever im doing..though they did confessed their dissapointment for not becoming a geologist,but in the end they knew yg wht im doing ni is wht ive always wanted to do dari kecik lg..

There goes my rambling today subuh2 ni hahahha..bila mlm otak laju je..wpun lg sng nk menulis but bl xdraft btol2 points habis semua benda on my mind nk tulis!

Ok lh..ill stop here.. :) phew!

Night sweets,
bunny kisses n rainbows,

Miss Ashkeen

p/s : what r ur new year resolutions?:) im trying to make one n sticking to it,hopefully menjadi throughout the whole year!