Helllloooo :)
Lama x update..bz tu bz ni bz tdo bz mcm2 lh..but alhmdulillah thgs r getting better now n im bz like a bee..yay!
But the best part is my kind of work ni brought new experiences n fun moments dpt share n meet new people!
What's more exciting is when i get invited to lovely events,esp to kids birthday parties!
I looooove birthday parties..it's the only time dpt makan puas2 (lupekan diet kjap hokeh), tgk creative decorations n plg penting dpt tgk these kids' happy faces dok bz running around here n there!
This time,one of my fav aunties ( Kak Eleen ) organised a Rockstar Themed Birthday Party utk Meera,anak dara Kak Eleen sorang ni kat Setia Alam.
MissAshkeen pun sbnrnye dh lama xdpt jumpe Meera,Haikal n Hariz..jumpe waktu diorg kecik2 je dulu so Alhmdulillah dijemput ni dpt lah jumpa balik..
Yang kelakanye when i told them that im their couz,they were like " ye eh??how come xpernah jumpe?tipuuu ahhh" :P
Ye ahh 2nd couz ahh,cancel nk bg token adiah :P
Yang kelakanye when i told them that im their couz,they were like " ye eh??how come xpernah jumpe?tipuuu ahhh" :P
Ye ahh 2nd couz ahh,cancel nk bg token adiah :P
Meera (Nor Ameera Balqis)just turned 10 and is the only daughter (anak tengah) in the family.Studying in Sek Keb. Subang Jaya,im proud to say that this lil couz of mine is a very bright student n is also a prefect in her school since Std 3 :)
This year Kak Eleen n her husband, Abg Hairuzan organised the party kat rumah baru diorg kat Setia Alam..cantik sgt area Setia Alam ni,it's my first time dtg sini but im impressed with the developement of this area!
Back to the story, MissAshkeen excited dgr that it's a RockStar Themed.I was always of the girly type n Meera pun sweet sgt je so this time sure diff nampak lain mcm boyish sikit!
But no!! Remember Barbie?Meera gets to dress up like how a girly Barbie rockstar is,funky yet still pwetty!
Alolo comell!
So many kids came n i must say theyre having the fun of their lives! Lari sana lari sini main games n eat candies under the watchful eyes of their parents :) happy tgk
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Birthday Girl n her friends,n look at all these candies!! |
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Bigger view :) ok lapa balik tgk gambar ni huwaa :P |
Oh oh rasanya budak - budak ni dh sugar high ni haha..tgklah candy buffet diorg..mak aihh..gile best n gempak gile..done by DZ Candy Buffet ( ok link x jumpe lagi ill update on this ya ! )..mmg cantik sgt n seriously all the cookies n desserts made mmg awesome!
Lauk lain sedap gak for the parents,catered by Pelangi Servis Enterprise (http://kambingpanggang-wan.blogspot.com/),masakan ala terengganu..ada ayam merah (nyumm) n daging kicap..pergh..2x tmbah tuh MissAshkeen makan (lol!)
So while the kids were playing outdoors main musical chairs etc,kita yang 'kakak-kakak' (ehem) ni duduk lh dlm umah makan2 n gossip2 lah kannn..
Seronok dpt jumpe family Kak Eleen ni,my other "aunties" muda2 mcm Kak Zizi n Delailah n Sarah pun ada sekali..dok gelak je n konon tahan nafsu xnk makan the yummy lasagne (sanggup catu tuh tp tmbah gak) n other sweets..adoi!
MissAshkeen ni sbnrnye xde idea nk pkai baju rockstar,krg pkai krg kna gelak pulak dh tua hehe,nasib baik yg lain pun pakai simple gak! Tapi ok ah,my tshirt ada studs,paired with black jeans nmpk cool gak ah..lol!
So sementara perut kenyang tu bg rilex skit nk isi lg(gulp),kitorg yg dh sugar high ni pun dok main selfies gak..
Dah mcm budak2 gak rasa,ade pulak Syed Dino (dinousour toy) si Haris ni..mmg hbis aahh..hbis ahh!!! :p
Sape yg terlebih enjoy ni!!!!:p
Congrats Kak Eleen,Abg Hairuzan n family Ami Lah sbb organised a wonderful birthday party.I had fun n kenyang sgt2..dpt tapau lg mknn best2 :)
Sebelum balik dpt amik whole family nye pics n with the birthday princess..kna touchup gak mekap n Meera pun excited tgk beg MissAshkeen penuh barang makeup..pompuannnn ;)
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meh blaja mekap dgn kak kin..look at her excited face heheh :P uh oh she found smthg tht wasnt mine..sorry! |
Tadaaa...masing2 sengih lebar..hehe
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Above : With The Birthday Girl,comel kan Meera ni?:) <3 Below : Ami Lah's Family..comell!! |
Syukur sbb masih sempat jumpe my other lil couz yang masih kecik2 ni..ye lah semua bz kan duk jauh2..Alhmdulillah our big family ( The Al Qudsi ) makin berkembang,sihat dan elok2 semuanya :)
To Meera, Happy Birthday Dear Rockstar Princess :) i owe u ur bday present tau..make sure claim nnti bila meetup ya! Kisses!!!!
Keep Calm n Rock On!