I cant say that im lucky to be experiencing this kind of sickness..but atleast pengalaman tu ada utk jd bahan cerita kat blog ni hahaha
Id admit that im not a really healthy person,ada je sakit tu sakit nih..dgn mkn xjaga,tdo x betol,jarang exercise,xkeep up mkn supplement n nutritional supplements, ill hv to tell you that im not the one yg boleh advice you girls,n guys to be healthy etc in this blog,heck im not even a doctor myself!:) but then again yeah utk crite wht hppnd tu is advantage to me lah..n as a disclaimer id hv to tell you tht this is not a post for me to gain any sympathies or pities from u all,ok!:)
But but!!! Insy Allah 2014 would b a healthier year for me,lifestyle akan diubah as ill b learning somethg new next year,yeay!:)
Yup.thts the topic utk kali ni ye tuan2 dan puan2..
Ada yg pernah kena x?jarang dengar kan?ok..how about after effect lepas minum coffee,or any caffeinated food/beverage?
Do u get excited or hyper n stay awake,alert n active after having a shot of ur fav coffee?Sure it's helping a lot kan,moreover if u hv to stayed up all night doing work!
MissAshkeen bukan lh seorang coffee drinker,nak minum air panas ni mmg jarang sgt lh,xsuka sgt sbnarnye..melainkn bl perlu mcm tengah sejuk mlm2,sakit wanita,atau bila dtg mood nk minum..
And hanya nescafe atau commercial coffees mcm kat starbucks tu je yg slalu minum..real coffee mcm yg freshly brewed black coffee atau yg sinonim dgn nya tu mmg xpndai nk minum..
But kalau caffeinated based foods n drinks tu mmg xde prob lgsg..agak ketagih minum coke dulu smpai setiap hari pun msti cari..tp sejak setahun lps dh mcm xleh terima sgt gak nk minum air berperisa nih..mmg byk air kosong je..sejuk atau panas ok je,lg bila letak lemon/lime lg best sbb boleh tlg detox (to my opinion-lah).
So one day while i was in KL sbb ada meeting,as usual we'd continue our meetings at nearby cafes lh for late night supper..i dont hv to mention lh nama cafe tuh,not their fault hahaha..
N so they only have coffees n cakes je in their menu,Italian style n so i ordered a frappe cappucino 'somewhat' dah lupa nama..they claimed tht their coffee beans are the best in kl so yeah y not try kn?
Since im not doing any reviews on their product so xpelah,ill just hv to tell you that the drink i ordered tu mmg sangatlah bitter n xbest (reason y xbrani nk mntion nama kedai hahaha) but since the waiters thr were superpolite n sweet i dared not complain much..
Cuba gak nk hbiskn air tuh but xboleh in the end minum air kosong je byk2..
N masa tu cuaca agak sejuk,mcm nk hujan..then suddenly rasa kepala berdenyut-denyut,pelik sbb nk kna hujan ke atau coffee tp ignore je smpai blk rumah..
N bila dh smpai rumah xleh tdo mlm tu standard,tp rasa mngantuk n penat badan tu mmg xde smpai lah hari esoknya pukul 12 tghari..kpale masih brdenyut tp xboleh tdo gak kn,so active lh buat buat macam2 benda jadi terlebih hyper walaupun sakit kepala.Lepas mkn activefast n minum byk air n massaged myself barulah lega smpai tertido..

U can say that i might hv 'gotten' sick sbb tdo x cukup etc,tp ptg tu bila bgn bukan rasa makin segar..makin teruk adalah!
Masih sakit kepala (walhal patut dah makin elok), rasa mengah dan semput dada sesak nafas je..
Rasa sebab effect sakit dada tu lah dok batuk dan bersin non stop,tp lama lps tu kulit muka dan badan jadi gatal2 merah..dlm mulut rupenye dah start pecah2 ada ulser kat dlm,dan tekak rasa panas..

Since badan dah penat xlarat,i was convinced by ppl tht rupenye dah terkena caffein allergy..n bila bgtau abah (yup anak manja nih haha) apparently my dad cant take real coffee drinks gak,nescafe pun yg decaf nye aje..
The only way that i can heal myself is by detoxing lh minum air banyak2..banyak yang memang banyak dan minum hernal tea n sleep supaya dpt buat natural healing..
Alhmdulillah the next day tu allergies tu hilang sendiri even the ulcer..serik sungguh rasanya..
Mungkin ramai tak sedar yg ketagihan minum caffein tu sbnarnye tak elok..dan ramai tak sedar sebenarnye diorg ni kna allergy coffee gak pada setiap kali diorg minum..
MissAshkeen yg suka minum coke n nescafe ni pun x sangka leh terkena allergy mcm ni..tp mungkin faktor usia kot,bila lagi meningkat usia hormon dan kolagen kita makin kurang so xsedar benda yang boleh kita buat dulu dah xboleh dah dibuat sekarang atau masa akan dtg..
Just so one day if it happens to you guys ni,kalau terkena allergy like whtever i have experienced,try n go back to basic,stop taking any caffeinated food n drinks,n drink plenty of H2O so dpt detox n kluarkan semua bahan kumuhan(ayat sopan) dlm badan ok!
Atau pg jumpe doc,i ddnt get the chance to visit one sbb dh mlm sgt n waktu x sedar sebab allergy,syukur my dad n friends advised me what to do.
Kalau anda yang suka minum nescafe dll ni rasa minuman ni boleh buat anda berjaga malam atau jadi segar,pikir betul2 adakah ini satu ketagihan,atau allergy?And in the long run would it really benefit u nanti?
You tell me.. :) but ill try not to consume any real coffee drinks nxt time,even coke atau starbucks atau any energy drinks.
Ok minum sikit je.Xberani janji lollll :p
Love ur body,Stay healthy ok!:)