Ok..look at this..
I wanna show you a picture yg memang menjijikkan..wht do u think?;)
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image source : flickr |
Apparently tht guy must be a fungus farmer yg berjaya:p
Even then,would u bear looking or even knowing anyone yg ada bnda gitu kat telinga dia??!!
ok lah,actually bukan pe sgt pun,baru ni MissAshkeen terkena sakit telinga,n mmg sakit..n bila check kat doc it's treatable yet im sure u wouldnt want to get it..
Cane leh terkena eh..
ok hari tu masa lepak2 kat luar,ada my friend bought his ipad along,so i wanna use it tp sbb tgh bising kat luar tuh,dia bg pinjam dia nye earphone..
I dunno..the earphone tu kena masukkan dlm telinga,must it suppossed to be hooked kat dlm cuping tuh,or insertkan masuk dlm lubang telinga??
Pastu selang dua hari,tetibe rasa mcm xdgr sblh kiri..rasa mcm block lh..tp lama2 makin sakit,berdenyut2 smpai ke tekak..sakit dia mcmmana nk describe eh?
Mcm airpressure dlm flight gitu,sakit x?kan kat tlinga rasa bingit n kna telan air liur atau tutup hidung hembus kuat2 sbb tlinga rasa tersumbat,pernah kena x?
So mcm tu lah yg MissAshkeen rasa..dok pk pk knape lh boleh kna..lgsung lupe pasal earphone kawan tuh..n i have a habit or using earbuds everyday lps mandi,xde pulak sakit tercucuk dalam masa tuh..
Yg bestnya tu lh degil xnk g klinik awal2..dok rajin tanya buat muka kesian kat org,n semua ckp takpe,sekejap je tuh..nanti eloklah tuh..ok..so i listened to their advice for a week smbil tahan sakit :(
Actually dlm diorg kesian kat kita,tau diorg xleh buat ape kecuali mndengar n consoling us..or buat lawak bg senang hati..most jokes tht i heard dgn sblh telinga ni adalah: "habislah,dah kurang upaya,turunlah mas kawin!!!!"
i wanna get pissed off,but i cant..oh well..
But ntah2 diorg ckp lain..telinga ni kan dah pekak sebelah .. ;)
Bila dah terlampau sakit sampai affecting my work (imagine i had to do 2 presentations dgn audience n i can barely hear nothing,muka confident je hahaha)..
Mmg THAT'S IT!!!Xleh tahan dah ni..to the clinic we shall go!!
So this is my fav clinic,Seri Melawati MedGroup Sdn Bhd..just so u know,it's operating 24-7 around the clock,very convenient,affordable and very professional, seriously :)!
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Pic : www.klinikserimelawati.com.my |
Rasa docs n nurses kat situ dah muak kot tgk muka MissAshkeen, yes lately hampir setiap bulan mesti pay (n PAY by $) them a visit..ada je sakit tu sakit ni ( ye dah tua i get it:p)
(Plus,kat sblah klinik tuh ada Vet..ada je kucing gemok2 kat luar kedai comellll sgt *happy*)
So my doc ni check lah tlinga ni..n he said..*suspense*
??!!! No wayyy lah kan,hahaha :p
Okeh.terdiam jap.
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taken from www.entbangalore.com confirmed mine looked like this,tiny little spores je baru!:) |
So doc amik " mini mikroskop yg ada lampu" utk telinga tuh n cucuk dlm telinga n tunjuk the content kat my partner.
Rasa ilang selera jap partner MissAshkeen tuh bila tgk,respect gile sbb dia xturned off smpai skrg hahaha
No wonder sakit!!!ada alien dlm telinga rupenye..ok so dipendekkan crite yg dah panjang nih..doc pun bagi ubat mcm2 n nasihatkan cane nk jaga telinga..
So tu je lah..pastu elok lps 3 hari..lega..
Alhmdulillah dah sihat,tp mmg satu pengalaman yg mengerikan n disgusting..
Well not my fault atleast,kira mangsa keadaan lah ni hahaha..
Xbgtau pun kawan MissAshkeen yg pinjam Ipad tu pasal sakit ni,dia diam je ok lah tu insy allah..malu sgt sbnarnye hahaha
I think u guys shld learn bout this prob here.. It's uncommon tp mmg bahaya sbb boleh lead to cancer kalau xde early prevention..mcm gmbar yg plg teruk tuh mcm dah ada maggot berbunga kat dlm tuh,ada ke patut dia biarkan..xsakit ke in the first place??!!
As much as we always take thgs lightly,kena sedar dlm badan kita ni yg plg penting,lagi2 bukan boleh nmpk mcm physical kita..
So dont play doctors,or sibuk nk mintak simpati tp xde action gitu je k..ive learned my lesson n it was a painful one,im telling u!!!:(
Atleast now MissAshkeen dah sihat yeayyy..n the least i cld do to humor people yg dok kutuk2 sakat is:
"nak makan x mushroom soup?kin korek eh dlm telinga ni banyakkk...SEDAP SANGAT!!!!" :P
Pastu buat korek2 tabur sikit dlm mknn diorg kan? yeah im evil,tq!!
Ok mine has only started ok,doc ckp ada spores kecik2 mini dots je baru naik,xde langsung mcm gmbar tu so jgn pk bukan2 ya..
kalau mmg dah mudarat telinga MissAshkeen dah kna jumpe E&T dah kena vacuum!!!
Yeuwww!!!:( i hope u wouldnt get it..but do read more (google plz!) for ur knowledge in the future,Bye!!:)
Fungus Businessowner (NOT!!),
*Seriously IF these made u feel scared etc..sorry ok..sharing is caring :)
Pastu buat korek2 tabur sikit dlm mknn diorg kan? yeah im evil,tq!!
Ok mine has only started ok,doc ckp ada spores kecik2 mini dots je baru naik,xde langsung mcm gmbar tu so jgn pk bukan2 ya..
kalau mmg dah mudarat telinga MissAshkeen dah kna jumpe E&T dah kena vacuum!!!
Yeuwww!!!:( i hope u wouldnt get it..but do read more (google plz!) for ur knowledge in the future,Bye!!:)
Fungus Businessowner (NOT!!),
*Seriously IF these made u feel scared etc..sorry ok..sharing is caring :)
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