Wednesday, 1 January 2014

MissAshkeen is Sharifah Asyikin @ Emily Ashkeen!

It's obvious here that im stating my name as Miss Ashkeen here.


Ntah.Sebelum jadi Mrs,kot:p
Well maybe because i wouldnt know who's gonna be reading this post,adik ke,kakak ke,kawan ke,client ke..

my fav picture, Ugly Betty! :)

Adik2 (born 82 n above-aiyo im revealing my age,indirectly:p) would call me Kak Kin,as my lil siblings are of their age too,so this is considered proper-lah.

Ada yg xsuka panggil kak kin,even when i asked them to call me feel slightly,hmm..offended kekadang (sebab they were too blunt n rude )if they refused to,memang up to them,but ini adalah kata panggilan,if u cant respect other's opinion then shld we respect u back in return?:)

I wouldnt mind tho selalunya,as long as ure behaving n respectful of others.Coz im trying to be the same too..xde beza sgt pun panggilan kakak,puan,datin ni.

But plz note that etiquette is very important actually,so dont downgrade urself by not respecting others,ya :)

So back to my the story.

On FB i hv 2 accs,one of it is Emily Ashkeen..another one is Sharifah Asyikin.Emily's acc ni lebih lama guna sejak FB ni baru start,so mostly ni mmg acc for friends and err,family (the chosen ones!!!) lah..Sharifah Asyikin utk kerja yg serious,strangers n clients.Senang tak bercampur.Tgk mood.

It's not easy to share ur network all together in one acc,kan?Jadi leceh as people could judge who u r,n what ure not.Im quite suprised that people added me on both accs,tp xnk borak xnk tegur.Takat add collection je eh?:( Jom lah berkawan secara berhemah,MissAshkeen x sombong,pemalu je :P

ni bukan muka sombong,ni muka tgh tido :P

Emily.Y Emily?

Emily is not me.Simply changed it to Emily Ashkeen sebab xnk strangers add pelik2.Believe me,n it sure has happenned to you too,yg org yg add ni ramai pelik2.So Emily is just a pseudonym that i used to 'coverup my identity in this big virtual world'.LoL

Emily was (sad!) of the name of my dear bunny dulu.Since i loved her so much hence i put her name there.But ramai pulak dah panggil my name Emily.Thanx!:p (perasan org putih jap) haahaha.

Ashkeen pulak.hmm.A SH Keen..logic kn?n it's a combination of somethg special too.Yg ni mls nk crite:p

M i doomed for revealing both my FB acc??(perasan hhaahaha) xlah,benda kat FB ni MissAshkeen xde settings atau crita yg private,memang xkn selamat if post those stuff kan?

Sometimes id come up with numbers (great at Maths,or Money?!;p ) gak atau smthg else.Selalu if people added me on acc lain,tetibe pelik ada numbers keluar mcm IP address.LoL

So my real name is Sharifah Nurul Asyikin.Ada 3 family name whch r Al-Qudsi,Al-Habsyi n Al-Yahya.Yup,both of my parents are 1st cousin.Dulu i used Al-Qudsi in my name (but xde dlm IC) sebab byk Clan tanya,but now dah buang org misused it.Biasalah tuh.

Nama je panjang tp org badan kecik je.LoL.Selalu kna soal y xde nama my dad xde dlm IC.X muat.Sbb his name pun panjang gak.N i dnt hv 2nd IC mcm org lain slalu buat.

So people call me Sharifah,or Nurul or Syikin or Keen/Kin/Kak Kin either or,terpulanglah nak panggil yang mana berdasarkan daripada nama yang MissAshkeen benarkan :)
Xde singkatan pendek nama panggilan atau nama nak ejek plz.Malas nk lyn.

Me being fuuny n perasan cute ( ceh). But i am funny,i think so :P

Perhaps i shld stick to just one name,selain Sharifah Asyikin.My name is my pride but it's too,serious.I think.N many more reasons.

Now that u knw both my acc's name,plz dont add me on both acc.Sebab basically it's almost the same post (yg related) on each acc bergilir2,just to be fair.Bila tetibe tgk byk mutual friends,malas pulak nk update both.Lucky me if u liked both posts but neyh xpyh lh susah2,buat semak kat Home je kan? :)

I want to be everythg but becoming a stewardess is not my option(ketot uwarghh),ni baju Kak Emma (Oman Air),taken by Abg Rid Morat.Loved it!

Im trying to stick to Miss Ashkeen lps nih,tp nk biasakan tulis MA (mcm mama?:p) masih x biasa lg,so it's either kin,or I or pe2 yg Id feel like naming myself lah :)

Will change my name yg Emily tuh.Byk sgt fav pets that i loved.Karang tukar2 pening lak.

Heheyy,r u reading this till the end?????!!!:p hehehe sorry lah.merapu lg.

Pakai baju Hello Kitty tapi berangan kat butik Michael Kors,Oh well :P

Atleast i dont preach or complained or being a keyboard warrior here:p So mind u plz dont be one too,ya?:)

1) respect others,whtever they wanna be called,just follow,unless nama poyo atau yg u cant take it lah;)

2) stick to one name,who knws that cld be a brand to u nanti?:) im hvg trouble deciding one to yg susah tuh hahaha

3) privacy matters.yup it does.if u r getting into somebody else's spaces,make sure tht ud hv their permission dulu.N appreciate it.

4) Again on privacy matters,dont simply assume that people wld give u what u want from Handphone Numbers!! I dont gv out mine easily for whtever reasons that i may hv,sorry lah ok.
So if u really need to get hold of someone do ask what is the best way to communicate with them.Plz dont ask for my numbers or my WeChat/Whtsapp/Viber acc asap unless hal kerja,ada email n FB etc (lps knal baru bg sbb keje baru sng nk crite kan)

5) Quit being a stalker.Amik tahu tu bagus,eratkan silaturahim n byk benda boleh belajar from each other,tp bila lebih2 tuh,if org dah xbls,rasa awkward etc tu then u knw maybe it's time for a change,ok!

Siap ada conclusions lg hahaha.Ni nak cover lah so post ni x nmpk vain/xde motif sgt.Sorry again!

Night from Miss Ashkeen:)


P/s : Shld start to not to say Sorry eh? :)

TVC : McDonald's Breakfast Wrap

2013 memang tahun yang sangat kurang MissAshkeen buat iklan..

Sebab bz n dah pindah ke kawasan baru yg memang jauh lah kalau nak turun KL. Xsemapat2 nak turun gi ke area castings melainkan bila otw,sampai merajuk agents2 TVC ( sorry )

Since MissAshkeen tengah kumpul material yg menarik nak tulis kat blog nih,then kali ni MissAshkeen dapat crite je lah jobs yang dibuat previously..

This time MissAshkeen diminta utk dtg casting Mcdonald pulak.Memang x sempat nak pergi sbnarnye,tapi tetibe last minute bila dah kat area Bangi rasa kena turun Kelana Jaya lak. So balik umah tukar baju and then kuar dari rumah kul 6.30 balik.

Sempat selfie dulu dgn natural makeup n officewear sebelum g casting hahahhaah

Sempat call agent ckp lambat sebab last call pukul 7.30,tp sebab sesat ikut highway Puchong n the production has moved to a new place so dtg dekat kul 8mlm.

And i was the last person to cast there, nasib baik the Casting Director xblk lagi n bagi chance casting :)

Alhmdulillah mlm tu gak my agent called n said that i was selected for the job :)

So this time the job is for Mcdonald's Breakfast Wrap,bukan main talent tp semua featured talent.

The other 2 talents r boys yg sgt cute,adik2 ni memang tgh blajar tp rajin buat job iklan.

Call time around 11am ( if i was not mistaken) kat Bangsar then we moved to KTM for my scene then last one kat Bangsar balik utk office scene.

McDonalds's Breakfast Wrap

Sikit je but yeah but selagi ada rezeki y not kan?:)

So far this is the 3rd time i did Mcdonald's TVC..dua utk colleague ( office) nye role and another one is a mom's role with 2 naughty sons,hehhehe..

This is the McDonald's Value Lunch nye iklan,

jadi minah busybody hahahahha

and for mom's role is the Mcdonals'd Opposite Agree,

Rasanye 3-3 iklan ni rupa MissAshkeen lain sikit,rambut panjang,berikat n rambut pendek..

Perasaan lepas buat iklan2 nih?:P offence,memang suka makan McDonalds but bila dok repeat-repeat peat peat peat peat memang terbelahak gak hehehe,so diorg suruh jgn makan but muntah kan balik semua, ada paper bags crew pegang ( TQ crews,and the Food Designer, and the Director for understanding me LOL )
Bukan seketul dua tp berpuluh2 buat actions sama just to get the whole talents to synchronize doing a perfect shot!

Seronok buat iklan selain drpada gaji yang mewah for a day's job,dpt kawan baru,rasa produk baru dulu, and ull learn new things too!

People always asked me y do i always get Mother's role padahal nampak muda?Coincidence je ni Alhmdulillah, usia dah memang tua dah memang patut ada anak dah hahahaha

Tapi diorg selalu nak mak yang muda - muda around 20plus,so ok lah since diorg berkenan ( mesti justify pujuk MissAshkeen hahaha) then memang nmpknya dah rezeki lah kan.

Tak baik rezeki nak pilih-pilih,kita ni freelancer,pada MissAshkeen apa2 job pun boleh asal halal n tak merapu.

N bukan senang nak dipilih utk buat iklan sebab banyak agensi dan production house berusaha utk make it happen,last2 kita pulak yang xnk.Sedangkan rasanya ada berpuluh2,malah beratus2 talent kot berkejar utk dapatkan satu job yang sama.

Benda kalau dah ada agreement n professional then we really should return the gesture nicely,kan?

All i can say is,Alhmdulillah syukur rezeki Allah,xbanyak macam org lain tapi rezeki ni cukup lah,lagipun job sehari je.

Btw ramai tanya mcmmana nak hantar anak atau sendiri try utk register kat castings agency.Castings utk iklan lain dgn drama/film,MissAshkeen x pernah try berlakon drama,g casting bila org tertentu je ingat tp xterer hahahah..

Ada byk agensi kat KL ni memang nak sangat talents so memang patut lah g daftar kalau free and berminat ok :)

Kalau nak tanya plzz buzz me ok!

But yeah,In Sha Allah MisAshkeen akan try utk bagi tips2 mcmmana nak try castings,n how to play it safe.

Memang banyak gak org kena tipu dengan agency2 yang xpernah MissAshkeen dengar,what i meant was memang byk agency baru start naik,tp cara diorg process the talents fee n registrations tu dah obvious sgt scam.Lagi bila dapat payment,Nauzubillah x tau lah kesian sgt rasa..

Especially for parents if u wanna send ur kids for tryout,do knw ur rights ya.

MissAshkeen ni xde lah pandai mana pun,byk kali gak g castings tapi x dpt jobs gak,but ini semua experience setelah lebih dari 10 tahun buat job iklan yg byk tolong MissAshkeen masa tgh blajar dulu.

Buat jobs iklan ni byk ajar MissAshkeen PR and networks and how to handle rejections.Who says modelling are for Bimbos?Well no comment there but yeah,ive learned a good deal jugak dlm bidang nih.

N MissAshkeen pun dulu pernah bukak agency gak for talents,but sadly x lama sebab it's a tough world,so memang respect lah dgn agencies2 ni :)

This year 2014 MissAshkeen dah buat resolutions to try n upgrade whatever things that ive achieved in the past,to make things better,upgrade n restart blk kerja2 iklan n semua pending dreams.

So my agents ( all casting agencies) wait for me ya,this time akan rajin sikit datang casting walaupun jauh,hehehhe.

OK then, this is my post for today :)

Happy New Year!


P/S : Somebody told me that i cant be doing TVC forever sebab payment wont make u survive a living,but my answer is no-lah,apa nak risau,ada rezeki adalah,kan? Trust me ada je model n partimer yang jadi kaya sebab buat iklan n other job kecil2..key word is usaha..In Sha Allah

And to me if ada rezeki smpai MissAshkeen tua betul pastu dapat jadi nenek lak dlm iklan,ok je hahahha. Dari anak dara smpai ke tua eh,nanti kat YouTube MissAshkeen penuh je iklan rupa macam2 hehehe..